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這是我第四次嘗試看Blue Valentine,前三次都無功而返,最後一次則是從診所回來後首度感到要好好把這一攤爛帳收捨收捨時候了。(因為我想趕快看”Drive”)


Blue Valentine總是會讓我不自覺想起Revolutionary Road(革命之路),同樣講述結婚多年的夫妻面臨到的真實寫照,簡單來說就是關於找到愛情又失去愛情的婚姻故事。

 revolution 1.jpgRevolutionary Road,被我列為十大愛情電影經典之一。




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愛情,就像通往天堂的階梯,一步步輕盈的腳步,一階階的喜悅躍然而上。這兩人相戀進而互訂終生,的確讓人憧憬,簽下了婚約,戴上了婚戒,宣誓了證言,也等同於踏進了墳墓,愛情的終點,『不論生老病死至死不渝誰知道未來還會發生什麼?是通往天堂的階梯抑或是通往地獄的大門? 愛情,總是值得讓人奮不顧身。



You always hurt the one you love,

The one you shouldn't hurt at all.

You always take the sweetest rose..

And crush it till the petals fall.

You always break the kindest heart With a hasty word you can't recall.

So if I broke your heart last night..

It's because I love you most of all.

我也很喜歡You and me,每段愛情都會有一首代表的歌,只是今昔對照此景不再情何以堪。

You and me,You and me,Nobody baby but you and me. (Hey, hey, hey)
You and me, (My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my)You and me,Nobody baby but you and me.

If the stars don’t shine, if the moon won’t rise, if I never see the setting sun again,
You won’t hear me cry, this I testify; please believe me, boy, you know I wouldn’t lie.
As long as there is

You and me, (Ohhh, oh, oh, oh, oh)You and me,Nobody baby but you and me. (Hey, hey, hey)
You and me, (My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my)You and me,Nobody baby but you and me.

If you love a soul more than fame and gold, and that soul feels the same about you,
It’s a natural fact, there’s no turning back, and here’s some advice to you:
You’ve got to say it’s,

You and me, (Ohhh, oh, oh, oh, oh)You and me,Nobody baby but you and me. (Hey, hey, hey)
You and me, (My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my)You and me,Nobody baby but you and me.

When love is real, you don’t have to show it.
When it is true, then everyone will know.
‘Cause there’ll be no one but

You and me, (Youuuuuuu) You and me, Nobody baby but you and me. (Hey, hey, hey)
You and me, (Ohhh, oh, oh, oh, oh)You and me,Nobody baby but you and me.



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導演刻意用過去/現在不同的時空,兩人的關係對照,安插在不同段落間凸顯這段近似灰燼無法復燃的關係,仔細細想倒是挺玩味的,但說深刻倒也只有隔靴搔癢的份。想了想,最大不足是長達兩小時的電影並沒有建立一個強烈衝突事件,好讓身為觀眾的我清楚知道愛家顧子的深情老公Ryan Gosling 到底缺乏什麼,以至於讓懷了別人小孩的老婆Michelle Williams不僅沒有感恩他還在不滿什麼!? (大過年的我應該要厚道一點…..) 若要說Ryan Gosling精心期盼兩人的旅館之夜能再度燃起激情火苗,如同導演Derek Cianfrance希望不同時空對照兩人熱戀到感情冷卻,老公多喝酒老婆不想做愛,就能簡單直接說服觀眾他們婚姻到底出了什麼問題,那我可能就跟Michelle Williams一樣性冷感不願意接受吧…..

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正是如此,光有演員的演技,卻缺乏深刻力道描繪婚姻殘酷的Blue Valentine就是沒有辦法像Revolutionary Road讓我一而二再而三地閱讀,一哭再哭,悲傷無以復加,感嘆現實摧毀人們單純的良善希望與勇氣,失去了愛人的能力啊。


還好因為這部片認識了GRIZZLY BEAR這團,配樂替這電影增添了氛圍啊。


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